Education in Faith
St Catherine’s community is called to embrace the Catholic Identify in an ever-changing world through encountering Christ. We respect and honour that each person is sacred; each member at our school is loved by God.
Religious education is formally taught at each year level, following an inquiry process of learning – encouraging dialogue with others, to develop critical thinkers of faith, through Scripture, Church, Prayer, Life and Justice.
St Catherine’s school has a ‘Sacred Space’ where we gather as a community to acknowledge and practise the faith and life we share together.
As a learning and celebrating faith community, we prepare children to receive their Sacraments in the Catholic tradition. This visible and enriching part of our spiritual life is nurtured through:
The Sacrament of Penance – a Rite of Healing
The Sacrament of Eucharist – First Holy Communion
The Sacrament of Confirmation – the Rite of commitment to the Catholic Faith.

Students, Community & Staff Learning
We are inspired by St Catherine to live out the teachings of Christ. The Learning Community of St Catherine’s is inclusive of students, staff, families, and the wider community. We aspire to be confident, active learners, to respond positively to challenge and to have the courage to be of service to others. We also believe that learning is a lifelong endeavour, that is both developmental and individual and the responsibility of the whole learning community.

Student Learning
Essence Statement (Why)
- We believe that learning is a lifelong endeavour, that it is developmental for the individual and the responsibility of the whole learning community.
- We believe that learning is most effective when it is purposeful, challenging and applied to real life contexts.
- We believe that learners are empowered when they have a sense of positive self-worth and are inquirers who have responsibility for their own learning.
Principles (How)
- Developing positive relationships
- Creating a learning environment where everyone is able to feel safe, valued, happyand connected
- Developing the individual’s understanding of themselves and their capabilities aslearners
- Recognising and valuing individual difference
- Enabling, supporting and challenging at the point of need
- Giving, receiving and acting on constructive feedback
- Designing learning opportunities that are authentic, meaningful, invite inquiry, and connected to the learners’ lives now and in the future
- Having high expectations, being accountable, and striving for excellence
Staff Learning
St Catherine’s have a highly skilled and professional staff who understand that learning is a life-long process. Therefore, to continue our staffs’ own professional growth and to enhance learning opportunities for students through the use of contemporary education, our staff participate in a range of learning opportunities such as:
- Networking with other community professionals
- Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Programs
- Professional dialogue with Parish Priest and other members of the St Clare’s Parish
- Dialogue with our parents and students
- Peer mentoring & coaching
- Ongoing study – Postgraduate degree and Master of Education
- In-service professional development
- Level 2 First Aide, CPR & Allergy Awareness Certificate
- Wellbeing courses – Berry Street Educational Model
- Science of Reading
- Little Learners Love Literacy
- Prayer
Community Learning
We believe that St Catherine’s is a learning community, which builds common values, beliefs and the vision for learning. Students, parents, care givers, grandparents, staff and the wider community are provided with learning opportunities. We value all members of our community contributing and taking responsibility for actively learning together and from each other.
St Catherine’s community learning is achieved by sharing skills and expertise through our:
- Family Engagement in Learning Program – Home Learning
- Parent Helpers’ Program
Our range of adult and family education programs and workshops provided include-
- Allergy Awareness Group
- Mathematics Family Night
- Literacy Workshops
- Multi-cultural cooking groups
- Adult Faith Formation workshops
- Sacramental Programs
- Anti- Bullying / Anti- Cyberbullying
St Catherine’s has connections to the wider community. Current partnerships with local and secondary schools include – St Monica’s Secondary College, St Clare’s Primary [Sister school], St Clare’s Parish, kindergartens, local businesses, Baptcare Wattle Grove Community