About Us

Welcome to St Catherine’s School

St Catherine’s Primary School is proud to be closely engaged with our culturally diverse community. We empower our students to be curious and creative thinkers, in an inclusive and engaging learning environment fostering educational excellence, celebrating the development and growth of all children – spiritually and intellectually. We inspire our students to contribute to a greater good and enriching life both within St Catherine’s and beyond. We are a community of faith; a meeting place of staff, students, parents and the wider parish community, where witness is given to the Gospel values and where the dignity and importance of each person is promoted in light of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

St Catherine’s is one of two Catholic primary schools in the Parish of St Clare situated 15kms north of Melbourne in Lalor West.

From its inception St Catherine’s has been seen as a community school, and this feature has continued to be cherished as it has grown. Whilst being distinctly Catholic we are in open dialogue with other faith traditions. A feature of our school community is its multicultural and multi-faith nature.

Students, parents and staff are seen as partners in our school community. Family engagement in their child’s learning is encouraged and valued. Families are welcomed to participate in a range of learning opportunities and programs as both a teacher and learner.

Thank you for visiting our site

Tracey Brincat

Vision Statement

The Community Vision at St Catherine’s Catholic School

With the Lord as my light, our community is inspired to live out the teaching of Christ.

We aspire to be confident, active learners who respond positively to challenge and have the courage to be of service to others.

St Catherine Of Siena

‘If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire.

Let the truth be your delight…proclaim it…but with friendliness’ – St Catherine

St Catherine’s feast day 29 April 

St Catherine is the patron saint who inspires the vision of our school. Catherine of Siena is a role model for being brave and true, the qualities that St Catherine’s school strives to instil in its community. St Catherine was a vocal young woman who had the courage to voice her opinions and spoke up and out for Christ. She spoke from her heart, strength, and soul.

Catherine was born on March 25, 1347, in Siena, Italy, the youngest of 25 children. When she was six, Catherine had a vision of Christ above the Church. As she grew in age, she decided to devote her life to God. At sixteen, Catherine joined the Third Order of St Dominic.

St Catherine was one of the most brilliant theological minds of her day; her writings and messages continue to resonate within the church today. St Catherine was the first woman Doctor of the Church who was given the unique title Doctor of Wisdom.

St Catherine was challenged by church hierarchy but remained a champion for social justice. Her accomplishments in only her thirty-three years on earth were achieved through her unity with God.

Kelly Club – Outside School Hours Care